Best Momondo Promo Code · Momondo Discounts & History
momondo is a world-class travel website that searches for flights, hotels, and car rentals from over 700 international travel sites. We are constantly improving our site and our product and therefore we are experiencing high user satisfaction and constant growth of users who use our services to plan their new vacations or trips.
Momodo is a free and inspiring website, where you will find everything you need to make the trip of your dreams fit in your pocket. Founded in 2006 with a mission to help travelers, momondo is part of the group, based in Copenhagen and 250 employees from 40 different countries. In addition to being free, momondo is recommended by outlets such as Forbes magazine and The New York Times, and has already received several international awards as the best price comparison site.
To get cheap air tickets using the momondo platform, you need to search for flights to your desired destination on the home page of the website. You can select one-way, round-trip or multiple destination flights and choose the sites you want momondo to find and compare flight options.
With the search carried out, all the flight options will be displayed in tabs, corresponding to the sites in which the user has selected for momondo to compare prices. The amounts shown also include mandatory fees and all additional fees charged by airlines.
Upon finding the flight option that suits them best, the user must click on the offer to be directed to the partner website that offers the airline tickets and finalize the purchase. Taking into account that momondo does not sell air tickets, make hotel reservations or rent cars and houses, it only serves as an intermediary to find the most suitable travel options for the traveler's pocket.
The counter allows users of the application to check if they can take their luggage on board or if they have to check it in.
momondo took advantage of the latest innovations in augmented reality to create a tool called Baggage Meter in its application. The novelty helps passengers to check whether the luggage they intend to carry is accepted or not as hand luggage by the corresponding airline.
To measure their luggage, travelers just need to open the momondo app and tap on the message to scan their bags. Then you are asked to move the camera around the luggage to capture its size.
The tool uses augmented reality technology to quickly calculate luggage measurements and compares these measurements with the airline's requirements so that travelers can find out if they can take their luggage on board. or if it will be necessary to register it.
The feature was created and developed during a hackathon on momondo.
The tool is available in the application momondo for the following devices: iPhone SE and all models above 6s, as well as iPad Pro (9.7, 10.5 or 12.9) of the first and second generation, iPad (2017) and for Android devices compatible with ARCore.
Do you want to know and start taking advantage of the facilities offered by the company? Getting started organizing your trip is easy, just go to the momondo website. On the home page, you can check the plane tickets, the options will be at the top of the screen, in case you want to change.
The information needed changes depending on the type of research, just follow the guidelines on the site. It is important to bear in mind that no payments or reservations are made on the search platform and as soon as you choose the one you want, you will be redirected to the original website of the offer.
The personal data reported is kept securely by the company, which assesses compliance with the privacy policy on its website. momondo limits access to the data reported by its users to company employees who really need contact with the user.
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Are you worried because you think you will not have money to make your next trip? Know that there are several tips for you to save, so let's talk a little about momondo, which is an online travel search platform. With it, you will find the best prices on tickets, hotels, vacation homes and car rentals. An interesting service of momondo is to put all airline fees on the website. This prevents the passenger from being surprised by a very high additional value and from compromising their trip. It is worth mentioning that the website does not focus solely on airline tickets, although this sector is quite complete. Those who use this site can reserve cars of various values, choose their hotels, make an archive of their trips and also have suggestions in the "Discovery" area.
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